March 2009

Interview: Shaarda, Community Producer of Apna Malak Maa

/ March 20, 2009

In early 2008 six teachers perpetrated a series of rapes against female Dalit students at a teacher-training college outside of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. In reaction, Apna Malak Ma’s latest video magazine focused on local instances of violence against women. Community Producer Sharda, a 20 year old Dalit girl from Siyani village,...

Community News as a Livelihood for the World’s Poorest

/ March 7, 2009

Can a Community Producer like Samata, from a slum in Mumbai, ever become fully competitive in a mainstream market? In thinking about Video Volunteers’ future work, I’m realizing we need to develop new models of community video that are scalable and allow for video to be a livelihood for thousands...