October 2010

Faith For Some, Money For All

/ October 21, 2010

Rural fair provides employment, marketing opportunity to local artisans in India’s Jharkhand.

Need To Preserve – A Tribe’s Oral History

/ October 20, 2010

Oral history of the forest tribes of Goa awaits documentation, revival.

Ironsmiths’ Children Yearn For Education

/ October 19, 2010

Children from the Ironsmith community in Rajasthan long to go to school instead of hammering metal.

Childhood Confined To Four Walls

/ October 18, 2010

59 children in a government-run orphanage in India’s Allahabad await a new home and a better life.

Gender Bias In Wages

/ October 15, 2010

Women farm workers in rural India labour hard, but are paid only half of what men are. This video captures the bias in Maharashtra state

A Mirror To Valmiki Community

/ October 14, 2010

In this video the correspondent profiles his own community – the Valmikis, perhaps the most oppressed community in India.

Railway Expansion Displaces Villagers

/ October 13, 2010

A railway development project in Bihar puts an entire village in danger of displacement without adequate rehabilitation plans.

Drinking Water That Causes Cancer!

/ October 12, 2010

Residents of a Chattisgarh village in India battle cancer after drinking water contaminated with arsenic.