April 2012

Untouchability with Life Giving Midwife | ARTICLE 17

/ April 12, 2012

Most midwives in India belong to the Dalit community. Once the child is born however, the touch of a midwife is deemed unacceptable to the mother and child. Celebrations of the birth continue without her participation. At most, she is invited but will be kept away from the festivities and...

Cancerous Dust Smothers Rural Rajasthan

/ April 10, 2012

Illegal asphalt factories endangers life in Karuali district

Black Market Kerosene Floods Jharkhand

/ April 6, 2012

Tribals kept out of PDS have to opt for illegal fuel.

Tribals Made Homeless By Govt.

/ April 2, 2012

Adivasis, settled in the Langsung forest area of Assam for 50 years, are ruthlessly evicted by the forest department.