February 2015

The infrastructural lacuna: What are we building?

/ February 26, 2015

An Anganwadi centre in Bihar has been running in a dilapidated state for 7 years. Everyday, children sit besides crumbling walls and under a makeshift roof. The parents’ appeals to the Child Development Program Officer – that the school urgently be rebuilt — have been ignored consistently. These children are...

Can we fight the crisis of sanitation with Swachh Bharat Abhiyan?

/ February 24, 2015

12 million toilets were to be built in the last financial year, but the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is going to fall short on that promise by half. Before the budget, we take stock of the sanitary woes of India through the eyes of our Community Correspondents.

IMPACT: Tribal Girl Accused of Being Maoist Rescued, Rehabilitated

/ February 24, 2015

On 29th July 2011, Magdalene, a 15-year-old girl from Mailpidi village, was walking back home after school. On her way, she was arrested by the police. “Stop pretending to be a student” the police told her as they went through her school bag and roughed her up. Her crime? Bank robbery;...

We were declared dead, but now we’re alive

/ February 18, 2015

February 18th, Salgadih Village, Khunti District, Jharkhand The National Old Age Pension Scheme provides financial security to over 19.2 million people over the age of 60 in India. For many, the small yet vital sum comes after jumping through many loopholes in the system. Community Correspondent Amita Tuti found one...

One Billion Rising: Rehabilitation of young girls in Uttar Pradesh | IMPACT

/ February 16, 2015

February 16; Khushinagar, UP Suman, along with her three sisters, had to leave her house following the financial constraints after her mother’s demise. “I collected the body and cremated her,” Suman, who is in her teens, told Community Correspondent Madhuri Chauhan. Since their father had already passed away, the four...

One Billion Rising: अब बहुत हो गया! में चुप नहीं बैठने वाली हूँ. (Enough is...

/ February 14, 2015

2014 was a watershed year for women, all across the world. The ideas about the repression of women evolved into a debate that engrossed more people than ever before.  From the kidnapping of the Nigerian schoolgirls, to the misogynistic killings in Isla Vista; from the issue of sexism in video...

One Billion Rising: Changing perspectives with a camera

/ February 5, 2015

February 5; Pune, Maharashtra Heena Sheikh had been a victim of domestic violence ever since she got married. Undocumented instances of domestic violence are still quite common in India. The societal norms, which revolve around a patriarchal system, make it difficult for women to raise their voices. That’s what happened...

On the World Social Justice Day, help build a better tomorrow

/ February 20, 2015

February 20; Sunderpur, Varanasi On the World Social Justice Day, in line with the theme of ending poverty, human trafficking and forced labour Community Correspondent Shabnam tells an awe-inspiring story of a woman, who is trying to give education to slum kids in Varanasi. When Pratibha Singh followed a bunch...