May 2016

30 families struggling to access basic amenities in Jharkhand

/ May 9, 2016

30 families cannot access basic amenities as they have not been allotted titles for the forest land they have been living on for 30 years. These families are completely dependent on the forest for their livelihood and as per Forest Rights Act, anyone who has been living and cultivating forest land...

Two bamboo sticks make a bridge in village of West Bengal

/ May 5, 2016

Over 100 people, old and young, cross a canal over a temporary bridge of two bamboos every day in West Bengal, as their bridge is broken into half since seven months. Mothers with babies, children with heavy schoolbags and men with cycles travel undertake the dangerous bamboo-walking during the dry...

Goa hotelier turning food waste into energy

/ May 6, 2016

Food wastage is an alarming issue in India. The onus of the food waste collectively lies on the millions of households, canteens, hotels, social and family functions, weddings, etc which throw away hundreds of kgs of food away, every day. For the past six months, Jack has installed a 4-kg...

Lights Out! Jharkhand village has no electricity since past three years

/ May 3, 2016

As the sun sets on the horizon, darkness literally falls in the lives of families residing in a small hamlet of Dumburu of Bangaon block in Jharkhand. The village had a brief experience of electrified homes in early 2013. But it was pushed back into darkness again within six months...

VV Impact: Women fight against discrimination, win work in NREGA after two years

/ May 1, 2016

Women of Keshavpur village, Uttar Pradesh had been denied work under NREGA (National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) for two years because of the patriarchal views of the authorities of the region. Under NREGA, every member of rural India, who demands work has the right to get work. However, the employment...