August 2017

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Without Clean Drinking Water, Village Residents Succumb to Diarrhoea

/ August 9, 2017

Village goes without water supply for half a month, residents forced to draw water from nearby BSF camp or consume unsafe pond water. “India got its freedom in 1947, but we have no water even now”, says a visibly angry Ajit Soren, a resident of a West Bengal village. His...

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Only Iron-Contaminated Water for Village at Himalayan Foothills

/ August 4, 2017

For three years, this Bengal village has been thirsting. The handpumps spurt harmful, iron-rich water, and there is no pipeline water supply in sight.

Labouring on the Fields During the Ninth Month of Pregnancy

/ August 7, 2017

Schemes benefitting poor women are disbursed to them through bank accounts. But a large number of the beneficiaries do not even have access to banks.

The Power Injustice Faced by Kashmiris

/ August 3, 2017

Adding to the major deficit of electricity in the valley, massive corruption further deprives those most in need of accessing electricity, particularly in rural Kashmir.

Sindoor: Symbol of Marriage or Misogyny?

/ August 2, 2017

From tax reforms to Bollywood movie tropes to everyday realities-- there is no escaping the symbols of marriage that only apply to women.