June 2018

No Cards

Women Drive Change in West Bengal, Literally

/ June 8, 2018

Taking the stereotype that women cannot drive and turning it on its head, meet this group of 78 women autorickshaws who will not be stopped.

No Cards

Are Awareness Programmes Enough to Declare a Village Cashless?

/ June 6, 2018

Lanura and Manzigam were the first villages in Kashmir to go ‘cashless’, but they don’t even have efficient roads, electricity and water supply, nevermind internet connection.

No Cards

Clean Up Your Act, and Clean Up the Environment

/ June 5, 2018

When it comes to the environment, there is a definite truth to the cliché, ‘change begins with us’.

Take Action

The Not-so-ideal Situation of the Adarsh Gram Yojana

/ June 1, 2018

More than three years after the Prime Minister asked each Member of Parliament to adopt one village and eventually more, has the plan really worked?