September 2018

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Meet the Woman Who Changed Her Name at 45

/ September 28, 2018

Hundreds of girls in India are given names indicating they’re unwanted. A woman in Haryana broke this spell and took on a new name.

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In Poonch, the Lack of a Road Hampers Education

/ September 26, 2018

Governments come and governments go, but in half a century, none has built a road to this government higher secondary school in Poonch.

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Five Months After PM’s Total Electrification Claim, an Odisha Village Waits for Electricity

/ September 24, 2018

At a time when India posits itself as a future superpower, the residents of Dharuapalli wait for electricity to irrigate their land and charge their phones.

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Waiting for the Pittance that is the Disability Pension

/ September 21, 2018

A woman living with 90 percent disability in West Bengal waits for her pension of a thousand rupees a month, while the administration shuts its doors on her and her husband.

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Why must only Brutal Incidents of Violence Spark Outrage Against Rape Culture?

/ September 19, 2018

The recent gang rape of a 19-year old in Haryana is a reminder that rapes do not happen in a vacuum, they are a result of patriarchy and the rape culture it has built.

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The Ground Realities of an ‘Ideal Village’ in Bihar’s State Capital

/ September 17, 2018

Despite being adopted under the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana, Sonmai is a village deprived of economic opportunities, education facilities, public infrastructure and even food security.

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Primary Health Centre in Shopian Shines a Ray of Hope

/ September 14, 2018

While stories of lack of health services, medical negligence and unaffordable healthcare fill our mediascapes, a rural health centre in Shopian shows the way.

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38 Years and Counting: A Village Waits for a Road to be Rebuilt

/ September 12, 2018

Four decades have passed since waterlogging destroyed the only road out of Inayatpur, but the government has not implemented any rural development scheme to rebuild it yet.