November 2019

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Pucca House Under PMAY scheme, Still a Dream for Families in Maharashtra

/ November 29, 2019

Government's PMAY scheme to provide housing to eight families in Pimplad village Nashik, Maharashtra, has failed even after numerous applications given by family members.  

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Electricity in India – Can Someone Turn on The Lights? | India Loud & Clear...

/ November 29, 2019

This week in India Loud & Clear we travel to literally the dark places of our country.

Gayatri Devi Selected in Global Achievers Award. 2019

/ November 29, 2019

Congratulations to our Community Correspondent Gayatri Devi from Uttar Pradesh, for being selected in Global Achievers Award

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Fixing India| Catching A Human Trafficker| Featuring Navita Devi|

/ November 27, 2019

Although illegal, but distressingly a reality, human trafficking in India still remains a major issue.

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India’s Open Defecation Free status: Claim versus Reality

/ November 25, 2019

The ground reality of PM Modi's 100% ODF claim. Is it successful? The reality is very different, and India is still far from being open defecation free.

Impact Story

Fixing Water Issues in Uttar Pradesh

/ November 20, 2019

The first episode of Fixing India: Our Community Correspondents taking lead in solving the water crisis in Uttar Pradesh. 

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Rabies in India: Acute Shortage of vaccine causing loss of human lives

/ November 15, 2019

While 36% of the world’s rabies death occur in India, we still don’t have enough stock of Anti-rabies vaccines to curb the menace.  

Impact Story

Impact: Community Media Helped People Access Water Supply

/ November 13, 2019

In Mohanpur village, Uttar Pradesh, women had to walk 2km far to fetch water. Our Community Correspondent helped her community in installing a new hand-pump.