May 2020

9 Months Pregnant And Yet At The Frontline. This Nurse Is A Real Hero |...

/ May 11, 2020

Risking her life and the life of her unborn child, Santoshi is a real hero and deserves our gratitude and salute. Santoshi Manikpuri is an Auxiliary Nurse Midwife in Kerawahi village in Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh. She is 9 months pregnant and yet goes to work everyday to make sure her community...

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Faked Digital School deprives tribal kids of Digital Literacy

/ May 7, 2020

In this shocking report, the government funds released for setting up digital schools at two remote villages in nandurbaar have been misused by officials.

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Wife Murdered | Rise In Domestic Violence During The Pandemic | COVID 19 | Jammu...

/ May 4, 2020

In Poonch district of Jammu, Zaitoon Bi allegedly succumbed to her husband’s violence. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that the risk of intimate partner violence is likely to increase during the lockdown. Sadly, this is coming true in many parts of the country. Helpline numbers are of big...