10 Years No Light

“It has been around 10-11 years now, since we have had no electricity in our village.” Can you imagine living without electricity for 10 years!  This is the reality for residents at Harijan Kalyan Tola Mushajari village, Bihar.


Call to Action: You can help them.  Call the number below and demand electricity for these residents now.


Executive Officer, Electricity Department, Bariarpur Block, Munger District, Bihar, Tel: +91 9430286203.


VV-Correspondent Shila Shek reports from Harijan Kalyan Tola Mushajari village, BariarpurBlock, Munger district, Bihar where 500 people have been living without electricity for 10 years.


PratibhaKumari explains how difficult it is for children to study at home, “Most of the students somehow manage to study during the day, but during the night they cannot study at all.


She further explains how residents have complained countless times to officials in charge, “Yes members of my village council have submitted many complaints but nothing has been done.”


Having spoken to our Correspondent we learn that the residents previously lived in a location near the river.   However, when the river flooded all their homes were destroyed.  They were relocated ten years ago to this current location, which has been without electricity since.  The residents’ need you support to pressure officials to connect their village with electricity.


In a similar videoSunitaKasera our Community Correspondent has shown the positive impact electricity can have for villagers in Dughati, Rajasthan.  Their lives lit up with the coming of electricity in their village.  Thus you too can help make a positive impact for these residents.


Today, you can transform the life for the residents of Harijan Kalyan Tola Mushajari village to get the electricity in their community.  See their lives light up.  Call the above number NOW! 


Watch more videos like this by clicking on this link.


Written by Manjinder Singh Sidhu.

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