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How to survive India’s pensions I India Loud & Clear I Episode 1

This week in India Loud & Clear we travel to the country’s old age pensions.

What’s it’s like to be one of India’s 125 million elders and live your ageing days in extreme poverty?

Our tradition teaches us to respect our elders. But what’s the reality? In this episode India Loud & Clear reports about the state of the Indira Gandhi Old Age Pension Scheme, bureaucratic black holes and surviving on a few hundred rupees per month.

India Loud & Clear is a weekly news show produced by Video Volunteers, the media organization by and for Community Correspondents. We bring you no breaking news, no sensation -- only community voices. Loud & Clear.

Thanks to the award of YouTube, Google News Initiative, we are now producing a series of YouTube shows. Connect with us on our journey, while we cover many more stories and experiences like these. 

Video produced by Jack Leenaars.


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