Acid attack survivor get 2 lakh compensation | Varsha reports for IndiaUnheard

Chanchal and her sister suffered an acid attack by 4 men on 21st October 2012 in Chitnawa village of Maner block in Bihar. They attacked them because they tried fending off their sexual harassment approaches.

As per the rules, the victims are supposed to be compensated by the state. However, even after 2 and half years, they did not receive any money. Community correspondent Varsha has shot the story and met various officials . She held press conferences and also filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Supreme Court. Thus the State Government was forced to take action and on 26th Aug 2015 the compensation was granted. Thisimpact was achieved by collaborating with various platforms such as

Initially the compensation for acid attack was very low in all the states of India. In Bihar, it was INR. 25,000 for the acid attack survivors. The interim compensation declared by the Supreme Court for acid attack victims in 2013 was INR. 3, 00,000, hiked to INR 10,00,000 in 2015.  Even after 2 and half years after the attack on Chanchal, the amount of compensation given to the sisters was lesser than 3 lakh rupees. CC filmed this issue and created pressure on press and officials to help Chanchal receive the whole amount of 3 lakhs. CC also filed Public Interest Litigation in Supreme Court regarding this matter. She also gained support of thousands of petitioners from the petition website. The State government was pushed into action due to collective efforts. After this long ordeal, On 26th August 2015, Chanchal and her sister received their compensation of 3 lakh rupees each enabling them to undergo primary surgery for their faces.

Highlights from the Video Volunteers Annual Report 2021-2022

/ October 28, 2022

In the year 2021-2022, Video Volunteers reached a huge number of people. Each video, on average, documented a problem, a ground reality that affected nearly 35,000 people. And we reported more than 1500 stories last year. Impacts achieved by our community correspondent have benefited 3.2 million people, in total. 

 Video Volunteers Fixing the Gap between Community and Government

/ October 20, 2022

Our community correspondents operate as citizen journalists in their own community and bring the issues to the larger world through video reports. As a part of this process of transformation, we include government officials to play an important part.

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