
Qaleen Baafi: Diminutive Art

/ August 25, 2022

Kashmir carpet is  famous throughout the world. Germany is the largest consumer of Kashmiri carpet, the country’s cold winters make it an ideal destination for the use of Kashmir Shawls, rugs and carpets. Kashmiri carpets are considered to be the finest carpets in the world second only to Persian carpets.

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Lack of Bridge Costs Life Of A Young Man In Shopian

/ April 7, 2022

The above video is from Shopian, about the death of a 26 year old youth, drowned in the river while carrying Rice and Corn on his back, is heartbreaking.

‘Democracy is Power of the People, Not Of Those Ruling’

/ February 19, 2021

Press freedom in Kashmir is increasingly under threat and we get a sense of it in an interview with the executive editor of Kashmir Times.

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Kashmir Exported 2 Million Tons of Apple a Year Before COVID-19 Struck

/ November 19, 2020

Millions of lives were directly dependent on the once flourishing Apple farming industry of Kashmir.

Community Survey

A Kashmiri Doctor Paints on Chinar Leaves to Beat COVID-19 Stress

/ September 21, 2020

A MBBS student from Kashmir, stressed by exams and the pandemic, uses art to unwind.

Impact Story

IMPACT | Illegal Riverbed Mining Stopped in RanbiAra, Shopian, Kashmir

/ August 31, 2020

Video Volunteers reporting helps to stop illegal mining of sand and minerals from a Shopian riverbed in Kashmir

Community Survey

Kashmir’s Cricket Bat Industry Provides Livelihood to Thousands

/ August 29, 2020

Kashmir and its bat industry, one of the only two regions in the world where willow grows, provides livelihood to thousands of people in the valley.

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Illegal Sand Mining on RambiAra River in South Kashmir Goes on Unchecked

/ August 14, 2020

Illegal sand-mining in a tributary of Jhelum poses long term threat not just for the environment but for south Kashmir's sustainability.