
Surviving Domestic Violence

/ February 14, 2014

“The first year of my marriage was happy… For the next eight years, grave acts of violence were committed against me by my husband and in laws”, says Shivba Manohar who has, with her two children, left that hellish nightmare behind. Community Correspondent Shanti Yevtikar brings you her story from...

I Refuse to be Silenced

/ February 14, 2014

The names in this video have been changed to protect identities. A marriage proposal came for her. She met the family, liked them.They liked her. When the boy’s family demanded a dowry, her parents refused. And then started the torment. Community Correspondent Chanda Bharti from Uttar Pradesh reports. She refused...

Release: Video Volunteers partners up with global news platform Oximity

/ February 14, 2014

  We live in a time of 24×7 breaking news cycles, and yet there are millions of interesting, inspiring, infuriating and heart breaking stories that slip-by unnoticed. What we see and hear as ‘news’ is dictated by a myriad number of agendas and policies that we have little control over....

No More Violence, I Want Justice

/ February 13, 2014

When she wouldn’t give her husband a dowry, he married another woman and this family tried to kill her. Sangeeta has finally been able to flee to the safety of her maternal home but the battle has just begun… What about her rights? what about the rights of her daughter?...

Farmers Harassed, Fight for Secure Land Rights

/ February 10, 2014

Madhya Pradesh is one India’s most forest rich areas of India with thirty three per cent of its land under forests. For a majority of its population, who are farmers these forests are essential parts of their lives. Their lands, small produce like wood, fruits, medicinal herbs all come from...