
IMPACT: 600 families get Ration

/ April 10, 2014

Reena joined the IndiaUnheard Community Correspondents’ team in Bihar in July 2013. She came in with a rich experience of working on issues in her community through the localJan Jagran Shakti Sanghatan (JJSS), an organization that mobilizes people to ask the government for better facilities. Since 2012, her work has...

A Body of Pain – Questioning Marital Rape on Valentine’s Day

/ February 14, 2017

Video Volunteer’s correspondents Usha Patel and Babita Maurya talk about sexual consent in UP’s villages Today is Valentine’s Day. There will be hearts and candies and flowers, at least in the metros. There will also be rapes, in both cities and villages. Legally sanctioned, “sacramental”, marital rapes inside homes. The...

Fighting Forced Evictions: 75 Families achieve victory in Maharashtra

/ August 14, 2014

Over 15 million people are displaced annually across the world due to development projects. In this interview Community Correspondent Anand Pagare speaks of how he inspired his community to challenge the development projects undertaken by the Maharashtra Housing And Development Authority (MHADA), thus sparing more than 75 Dalit & Tribal...

Clean Up Goa: Community wields Camera for Change

/ March 25, 2014

Most commonly identified as one of India’s top holiday destinations, Goa comes complete with its sun-and-sand picturesque world & susegad life. However, there is another side to Goa, a side that often remains forgotten by a world lulled by the hot sun & potent psychedelia of Goa. Sulochana has been...

Impact : Building The Road To Bhubaneshwar

/ March 21, 2014

As a tribal woman, Nitu Chakhia has spent far too many years of her life struggling for survival in the urban jungle of Bhubaneshwar. Several years of working with her people has convinced her that communities coming together ensures change. Odisha is a state that takes serious interest in its...

The Tide is Changing: Victories on the Road to Ending Untouchability

/ April 15, 2014

Untouchability. You may think that this horrendous practice has disappeared in 21st century India, an India that is running towards socio-economic development; you may think that caste identities no longer govern people’s lives. Look around you, caste based discrimination carries on in the most insidious ways possible—in matrimonial ads; when...

Only Few Toilets functional in an Open-Defecation Free Block

/ February 13, 2017

The Village Council Head, Sobitra Nagesh, from Chhattisgarh proudly declares his village is Open-Defection Free on camera. And one would believe him. But a short walk around the village Bansajhal and conversations with the residents exposes the lie that Sobitra blatantly said on camera.  The most important objective of the Swachh Bharat...

Impact: A Functioning Rural Water Supply Scheme!

/ March 13, 2014

Community Correspondent Dasarathi Behera shares how he got a working hand pump for 60 families: Makdiasahi is a tiny village in Deogarh, Odisha. The community comprises of about sixty families, most of whom earned their living by braiding & selling ropes made from material sourced from the ample forests of...