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National Girl Child Day: Why Should Girls Embody Family Honour?

/ January 24, 2018

The belief that girls and women embody a family's honour is quite universal even today. Here's how the belief is being challenged, in homes, in public spaces and in the online world.

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A War That Never Stops

/ December 12, 2017

The government is waging a war on women’s bodies in the name of providing reproductive healthcare.

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Trafficked at 11, Pregnant Teen Comes Home to Police Inaction

/ December 8, 2017

For nine long years that Nagma was missing, the police took no action to trace her and is doing little now to punish her traffickers.

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“He Chewed my Face Like an Animal”: A Survivor of Domestic Violence Speaks Up

/ November 25, 2017

After having faced domestic violence for 14 years of her marriage, when Parvin decided to separate, her husband took revenge by attacking and disfiguring her.

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Family Planning: Only a Woman’s Responsibility?

/ November 21, 2017

New government measures claim to increase the contraceptive choices given to women, but they still put the responsibility of contraception on women.

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Usha: A New Beginning for Sex Workers

/ November 15, 2017

A co-operative bank run for and by sex workers is changing lives across West Bengal.

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Sarpanch Pati: The Roadblock to Women’s Political Participation

/ November 8, 2017

Twenty-five years after women were given 33% reservation in local self-governance bodies, many women sarpanchs remain faceless wives and daughters-in-law.

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“To live fearless and free”: Kashmiri Girl Defiantly Pursues Cricketing Dreams

/ November 7, 2017

Insha Mir has struggled against patriarchal diktats for over a decade and today captains her college cricket team.