
Would you eat food with worms?

/ April 5, 2014

Would you eat food with worms in it? What about uncooked rice? Or raw flatbread? I’m guessing your answer is no. Children studying at the government primary school in Batiyagarh, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh, are forced daily to consume such sub-standard food. Not only do they have to eat half-cooked meals,...

Deliberately Delaying the Supply of Rations

/ April 4, 2014

The students of Government Primary School of Bhodiyapani village, Tamia block, Chhindwara district, Madhya Pradesh were given a paste of salt and chilli with flatbread in the name of food for two consecutive days. The teachers and students speak about the quality of mid day meals being provided. VV-PACS Correspondent Anita...

The Difficulty Checklist

/ April 3, 2014

This story is from Sadpur village of Batiyagarh block in Damoh district of Madhya Pradesh. The government middle school in Sadpur village lacks four things: 1: A separate toilet for boys and girls. 2: A boundary wall. 3: A playground. 4:A library While filming, VV-PACS Correspondent Artibai Valmik spoke to...

Missing : Old Age Pension

/ February 18, 2014

‘None of the village elderly have ever received old age pension in Mahuadhana area of Dobe panchayat, Tamiya block, Chindwara district in Madhya Pradesh.’ Our community correspondent Raju Parteti from the district documented the issue, taking testimonies from all the elderly in village. As per the elders, they have approached...

Farmers Harassed, Fight for Secure Land Rights

/ February 10, 2014

Madhya Pradesh is one India’s most forest rich areas of India with thirty three per cent of its land under forests. For a majority of its population, who are farmers these forests are essential parts of their lives. Their lands, small produce like wood, fruits, medicinal herbs all come from...

A Land to Call Our Own

/ January 30, 2014

Across India, farmers are fighting for their lands and rights. Despite their struggles all they get is harassment, torture and humiliation by the Government officials. Ghasiram Mohike, is one such person currently facing this problem. Eight year ago he took over fallow land and started cultivating on it. His sweat...

Distance to Education

/ January 23, 2014

“Kawajhar’s main area falls about 2km from here, so our children face difficulty going to the anganwadi center there. Someday they go and someday they don’t”, says mother of one kid from Dindori district, Maltikra tola, Madhya Pradesh, where there is no anganwadi center for kids. As there is no...