
People Vs. Govt in Land Conflicts

/ December 30, 2011

Projects in the name of development are causing displacement, loss of livelihood and frustration across India.

Dirty Picture Of Chattisgarh’s Ponds

/ December 22, 2011

As conditions of village ponds worsen in Sehlud, Chhattisgarh, efforts are on to revive them.

Government Betrays Insured Farmers

/ December 21, 2011

In Chhattisgarh, only 12% of the expected amount of a crop insurance scheme reached farmers.

Dirty Deals on Tribal Land

/ December 7, 2011

In Orrisa, the  Govt. and upper castes cheat Tribals of traditional Farmland

Corruption Cripples Anganwadis

/ November 28, 2011

Irregular supplies to Anganwadis put women and children at risk.

Broken Bridge Leaves Villagers Stranded

/ November 16, 2011

An important bridge in Salaiya village, Jharkhand, lies broken for the past six years.

The Case of the Missing Tehsildar

/ November 2, 2011

Ambagad Chowki, Chhattisgarh, is in need of a regular Revenue Officer.

Harsh Realities of Dalits in India

/ October 25, 2011

64 years of freedom and dalits remain captive.