
Demolition Leaves Potters Homeless

/ March 28, 2011

With only two days notification, the Raipur municipality destroys the homes and work of a potter community.

Microcredit Incites Caste Violence

/ March 25, 2011

A local moneylender vengefully attacks a Dalit woman from a microfinance group

Water From Puddles

/ March 22, 2011

In Rampur, Jharkhand, people have no choice but to fetch water from the nearby river.

Government Betrays Insured Farmers

/ March 21, 2011

In Chhattisgarh, only 12% of the expected amount of a crop insurance scheme reached farmers.

Malnutrition Pervades Despite Health Programs

/ March 15, 2011

In Raipur, schemes aimed at tackling the issue of malnutrition have not eradicated it.

MNREGA Scheme Still Ineffective

/ March 3, 2011

Beneficiaries of the MNREGA scheme in Atara, Chhattisgarh are being paid erratically and irregularly.

Micro-finance Changes Women’s Lives

/ March 1, 2011

Women in rural Orissa are empowered through micro-finance initiatives.

Saundariya: The Nameless Community

/ February 28, 2011

Meet the Saundariyas of Chhattisgarh – a community that scavenges for gold.