
Education Outside the Box

/ January 22, 2014

‘According to the Right to Education ( RTE ) Act, primary school should provide students with basic infrastructure but students of Primary School in Kawajhar Rayyat in Madhya Pradesh had to sit outside during winters as there are no enough class rooms for students to sit in’ reports our community...

The ( Lack Of ) Girls Toilet

/ January 22, 2014

The RTE Act mandates that each school must have a separate toilet for girls and boys. Three years after its implementation, there are thousands of schools across India that do not fulfil this requirement. VV-PACS Correspondent Rekha Bhangre reports one such case from Seoni District Madhya Pradesh. The Marzhor Primary...

Schemes and Dreams of Electricity

/ January 14, 2014

“We live in an age when all our work depends on electricity. If we had electricity in this village we’d have better employment opportunities”, says Rooplal, a resident of Kauwajhar village in Madhya Pradesh. Rooplal’s village has not seen electricity for at least 25 years. VV-PACS Correspondent Surjiya Paraste reports...

The Road to Ration

/ January 10, 2014

875 people reside in Takhtpur village but only 135 people have BPL cards. They have to walk 4 km to another village, to access the Ration Distributor. It is just not the distance but the terrible condition of the way, which makes it even more difficult to carry ration back...

Pushing for Better Maternal Health Facilities

/ December 27, 2013

“When I was about deliver my son, I had to hire a private car to take me and bring me back from the hospital. The same situation occurred when my daughter was about to be born. This time I paid Rs.800 for the car. The ambulance didn’t come”, says a...