
Good Deeds over ‘Good Caste’

/ August 6, 2014

The enforcement of any disability arising out of Untouchability shall be an offence punishable in accordance with law as per the Article 17 of the Indian Constitution. It was drafted in 1949 specifically to eradicate & abolish the practice of Untouchability. Yet 65 years later, the practice still reigns in...

Village Headman facing discrimination

/ August 6, 2014

“In happiness or in suffering, we are always kept aside,” says Kinsuram Chow the village head of Domha Tola village in Chattisgarh who is facing the burden of being born into a caste considered and treated as “untouchables”  in India. Even though Kinsuram is working hard to make his village...

Article 17: Discriminating among children

/ July 31, 2014

Untouchability has been practiced in India for many centuries.  Even though it is a punishable offense under Article 17 of the Constitution of India it continues. One of the ways, it is practiced is during school meal times, where Dalit (scheduled caste) children are made to sit separate from the...

A New Generation Scarred by Untouchability

/ July 24, 2014

What does one say about a cultural practice that it forces young children to sit apart at a school lunch? At the Primary school in Limli village Gujarat Untouchability is scarring a new generation. It is illegal to indulge in any practices of untouchability and you can help stop one...

Police ignores dying declaration, Accused out on bail: Sanjay Khobragade Murder Case

/ June 19, 2014

At 2:30 am on 17th May six people from a ‘higher caste’ tried to kill Sanjay Khobragade, a Dalit rights activist, over a caste based land dispute. They set him on fire while he slept in his house. With over 80-85% burns on his body, he passed away while at...

Article 17 Right To Education

/ June 4, 2014

The Indian Constitution has given equal rights to all its citizens, so that all types of discrimination such as gender, caste and religion are removed.  According to the provisions of the Right to Education (RTE) 2010 all children have rights for equal treatment.  However despite this, Primary school children at...

In Search of Water and Dignity

/ April 30, 2014

Can you imagine living in a situation where trying to get access to water for your daily chores translates into a lack of dignity? Where every single day someone humiliates you when you try to fill a bucket of water? For 150 people of the Musahar community this is a...

Life under threat: Dalit suffering sees no end

/ April 14, 2014

Forty scheduled caste families residing in Wasai village of Maharashtra had their yearly crops destroyed by 50 ‘so called upper caste’ people. After destroying their crops the upper caste people were also threatening to kill the poor famers and have blocked all the ways to their fields. When the farmers...