
Mining Vs. The Hills of Odisha

/ August 4, 2014

In the late 1980s the Gandhamardan hills in Odisha’s Bargarh district were home to a powerful people’s movement. Not unlike today’s Niyamgiri movement, that too was a cry of the people of the land to save their forest, their Gandhamardan Hill from Bauxite mining. The movement was successful in bringing...

Article 17: Discriminating among children

/ July 31, 2014

Untouchability has been practiced in India for many centuries.  Even though it is a punishable offense under Article 17 of the Constitution of India it continues. One of the ways, it is practiced is during school meal times, where Dalit (scheduled caste) children are made to sit separate from the...

A nurturing environment

/ July 30, 2014

“Because there is no boundary wall, goats & cows eat our flowers and plants”. – Lija Rani, Class 4 The headmaster Parsuram Mishra and students of the Amaghat primary school, Tileibani block in Deogarh want to make the school environment beautiful but are unable to do so. Every year the...

No Basic Facilities for Malapada School

/ July 29, 2014

The Right to Education Act, 2009 guarantees free and compulsory education for all children from 6-14 years.  There is a list of basic infrastructure facilities to be provided for each and every school.  However, students of Malapada Upper Primary School are not getting the facilities they are entitled to.   ...

Help Get 25,000 People a Doctor Today!

/ July 16, 2014

Absentee doctor, medical negligence and lack of concern for the health and welfare of residents of Potanai village council.  Let’s turn that around for the better today.   Call to Action:  Pressurise the Chief District Medical Officer to appoint a regular doctor at the Potanai Health Center.    Dr. Bijay...

No Right to Health

/ July 7, 2014

Article 21 of Indian Constitutionstates:Protection Of Life And Personal Liberty: No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.This has come to include the Right to Health as a fundamental right and thus the Government has a responsibility to fulfill it. ...

I’ll set up your electricity connection, but won’t provide you with electricity

/ July 2, 2014

In accordance with the Rajeev Gandhi Rural Electrification Scheme, Below Poverty Line (BPL) families should receive free electricity from the Government.  However residents of Singhjhor village, though connected to the electricity supply are not receiving electricity.    Call to Action:  Residents need you support to put pressure on the Site...

Outrage! Government farm which doesn’t pay its employees

/ July 2, 2014

“As a daily wage labourer she has to be paid her wages by the end of every week.”But due to the negligence of the farm workers Boiti Pradhan has not been receiving her wages for the last three months.  The most shocking thing is that she works for a Government...