
Since 10 years, “Anganwadi still under Construction”

/ May 20, 2016

“It is very difficult for them to eat, play and store their belongings.” This is the story of 30 children who are denied quality space due to an Anganwardi building left half incomplete for 10 years in Simra village of Jharkhand. Ten years ago, the construction of this Anganwadi building...

Video Volunteers’ Impact : School gets teacher and headmaster

/ May 23, 2016

The provision of teachers is essential for all children, including those from rural India, to ensure that all have access to quality education. To ensure the same, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 has set a pupil-teacher ratio (PTR) of 30:1. However, teaching in...

Discrimination steals children off a normal school life

/ May 12, 2016

A school in Surendranagar, Gujrat has been serving mid-day meals to its students based on their caste. Panva Primary School, during mid-may meals, served as part of a school meal programme by the government of India designed to improve the nutritional status of school-age children nationwide, was openly discriminating against...

Video Volunteers’ Impact: A Village comes together to help Gangu get compensation

/ May 20, 2016

Gangu Paharia, a resident of a remote Jharkhand village was desolate when wild elephants ravaged his home last year. The elephants had destroyed everything that was dear to him- his yearly ration, seeds meant to be sowed for agriculture and his house. However, the administration of his district in Sahebganj...

Governement turns blind eye towards the manual sacengers

/ May 11, 2016

Three young sanitation workers enter a sewer in Dhrangadhra town in Gujarat without any protective gear. This practice of manual cleaning, carrying, disposing or handling, human excreta from dry latrines, open drains or pits  and sewers without protective gear is criminalised by The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and...

A Decade long struggle for Widow pension

/ May 19, 2016

Talomuni Soren, a resident of Mandu district, Jharkhand has not received any widow pension fund under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) since her husband died a decade ago. To make ends meet, she works in the coal mine in Jharkhand along with her teenage daughter. “She used to go...

A March across the Tea gardens for Justice

/ May 18, 2016

About 400 tea gardens workers from of Dooars and Terai regions of West Bengal joined a 10-day rally organised by the Progressive Tea Workers Union (PTWU) on January 5, earlier this year. The 390-km rally started in the village of Kumargram Sankosh and ended in the city of Siliguri of...

Since the Delhi rape in 2012, has anything changed for women in India?

/ May 17, 2016

  Almost four years since the country was shaken by protests after the brutal rape and murder of Jyoti Singh Pandey in 2012, what has changed for young women in India? According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), there was a 9% increase in crimes against...