
Voices of Dissent in Manipur Challenge the Govt.

/ March 1, 2012

Manipuris Speak Out Against Forced Evictions.

Plans for International Airport Evicts Local Families

/ February 28, 2012

Expansion of Imphal Airport displaces 116 Manipuri settlements.

Forced Eviction Destroys 17 Manipuri Families

/ February 29, 2012

Community unlawfully evicted by Manipuri govt. faces destitution.

Police Lathis Strike Mumbai Homeless

/ February 24, 2012

Government rolls back on its promises to slum dwellers.

MHADA Makes Bhil Tribals Homeless

/ January 27, 2012

Development authority displaces Tribals in Malegaon, Maharashtra.

100,000 People to March for Land Rights

/ January 23, 2012

People of India march from Gwalior to Delhi for land reforms

Tribals Made Homeless By Govt.

/ January 11, 2012

Adivasis, settled in the Langsung forest area of Assam for 50 years, are ruthlessly evicted by the forest department.

People Vs. Govt in Land Conflicts

/ December 30, 2011

Projects in the name of development are causing displacement, loss of livelihood and frustration across India.