
Maharashtra’s Nomadic Behrupiya Tribe remains Marginalized

/ January 6, 2016

Traditionally a community of street performers, known to bring comic relief to day-to-day life through witty dialogues, vivid costumes and makeup, the Behrupiya community struggles to find its space in the modern era of entertainment. With their main source of livelihood under threat, the nomadic community struggles to eke out an...

Impact – Educated about their rights, women get hand-pump repaired in Bihar

/ April 7, 2016

Ignorance kept this village water-less for almost two months. The village hand-pump, which is a sole source of safe, hygienic drinking for many villages in India, was broken after wear and tear. However, the villagers did not know whom to approach in the government, in order to complain about the...

PDS corruption: Villagers had to pay bribe to get rice, which they did not

/ April 6, 2016

Employees of Panchayat Office promised rice and took bribes from rural families, Community Correspondent Dasarathi Behera reports from  Deogarh district in Odisha. Ten indigenous tribal families are deprived of getting benefits from welfare schemes of the government in Bhatimunds hamlet. Few of them have been included in the Above Poverty...

Impact – Latrine crisis solved through proactive community solutions

/ April 3, 2016

80 families of Karatutha village in Odisha were suffering without toilets in their houses. That was until Community Correspondent, Anupama Sathy made a video about the same in 2015. Due to lack of toilets, these families had to defecate out in open. It was difficult for the women to go...

No disability certificate for needy in Bihar

/ April 6, 2016

In a small village in Bihar, a disabled old man Raj Bansi Majhi, earns his living from the alms he begs because he can’t find work with one hand. The disability certificate he is entitled to, is nowhere in sight and his children have abandoned him. The disability certificate allows...

This bridge of a small village of West Bengal is a disaster waiting to happen

/ April 5, 2016

Every day about 10,000 people risk their lives while crossing this small, broken down bridge in Cooch Behar district of West Bengal to go about their daily business. The bridge, which connects the small village of Banchukamari in Cooch Behar district, has been in a dilapidated state ever since two...

The cost of development paid by small-time farmers

/ April 4, 2016

Industrialization has always given hopes of newer opportunities to citizens. When the news of industrial development had reached small villages of Chhattisgarh, they too were hopeful that their lives would change for the better with industrial growth. 800 residents of a small village in Raigarh, too were hopeful, when Maa...