
No gateposts at railway crossing in Juniar, Bihar

/ February 29, 2016

Lack of gateposts at the railway crossing in Juniar is stirring a turmoil in residents’ life as accidents become more and more frequent. In this video, CC Mister Alam documents their plight and appeals to the viewers to pressurize the Divisional Railway Manager into constructing the required gateposts. Mohammad Mister...

Land allotted but on papers only

/ February 26, 2016

Those displaced from Sardar Sarovar Dam project are still waiting to be rehabilitated. In another case of utter neglect from the government, people have been allotted land on paper but the allotted property either belongs to someone else or is unusable.      Chetan Salve reports from Narmadanagar of Nandurbar...

Pandit couple have been living with this Muslim Family for last 10 Years in Kashmir

/ February 25, 2016

In a heartening example of communal harmony between Muslims and Pandits in Kashmir, Muslims performed the last rites of Janki Nath (84) who, along with his wife Rani, had been living with a Kashmiri Muslim family for the last 10 years. In 1990, at the time when Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus)...

Enforced disappearance of Mushtaq Ahmed Dar from Srinagar

/ February 24, 2016

Azizi’s son Mushtaq Ahmad Dar, disappeared in custody after being picked up by the army in Srinagar. A request for sanction for prosecution is reportedly pending before the Ministry of Defence till date. Investigations have indicted the alleged perpetrators in the disappearance of Mushtaq Ahmad Dar.

Farmer commits suicide for Rs 5000 in Odisha

/ February 23, 2016

Another debt-ridden farmer commits suicide by eating poison. Bholanath Pradhan had taken a loan amount of Rs 5000 and 10 bags of fertilizer for his 3-acre land. The loan amount on paper was put down by the loan officer as Rs 51000 and 10 bags of fertilizer instead, which Bholanath...

Girls of this Budgam village compelled to stay ILLITERATE for WATER!

/ February 22, 2016

Video by  Rafiqa Bano | Text by Shafat Mir | 22 February 2016 The authorities seem to have forgotten this village of Budgam district as there is no potable water available to around 800 inhabitants. The women folk have to tread miles to fetch water daily which has resulted in...

SUCCESS: Students get their due scholarships

/ February 22, 2016

Within a month of making a video on problems faced by children who hadn’t received their scholarship in two years, the money was received and distributed to the students at Rajkiya Ucch Vidyalay in Dumbar village, Churchu block. Ekta Marandi, one of the students at the school had not received...

Open Sewers of Ghatkopar

/ February 18, 2016

People keep falling in the open sewers and end up getting wounded at Nalanda Nagar, Ghatkopar. The residing community is afraid for their children who are most susceptible to this hazard and demand the drains to be covered as soon as possible. Through this video, Community Correspondent Zulekha puts forth...