
Unattended Broken Bridge caliming lives

/ February 7, 2016

“Had there been a bridge, incidents like this would not have happened” shares Rajesh Sada , a resident of Bagban village in Bihar as he recounts the consequences of a bridge lying unattended and broken since 2007. Years have passed since the bridge in Bagban village broke down. And it...

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Invisible Eco Warriors: Informal Waste Pickers Keep Cities Clean but Face Discrimination

/ April 14, 2017

Fifty waste pickers in Nashik demand recognition for the invaluable service they render to the city

Bridge about to collapse

/ February 5, 2016

Over 5000 people from 4 villages have to use the rickety wooden bridge daily. To commute to any of the major areas, one has to cross this 30 year old bridge over the dried river Torsha. People have to carry their cattle across the river. The bridge has been broken...

Water Logged Roads

/ February 4, 2016

‘We want roads. We need roads. Our children can’t go to the school. We can’t go to the Masjid for Namaz.’Unmetalled roads are an old problem in Hasnabad village of West bengal. The problem worsens during the monsoons when these roads get water logged, like what has been happening for...

Pass books with no money under Indra Awas Scheme

/ February 4, 2016

Whenever it rains, we have to run and find alternate shelters that don’t leak from the roofs! This is the condition under which twelve people belonging to very poor Dalit families live in Muzaffarpur village. There are around 390 houses in this village. Out of these, the residents of 12...

Travelling Atop A Train

/ February 3, 2016

For those who need to travel by train in Juniar, Bihar, there is only one train a day to cater to about 3,000 passengers. With a limited number of bogies. The train comes from Islampur, on its way to Patna. Already crowded. The Juniar passengers scramble to get in, but...

Corrupt Contractor deprives village of Health Center

/ February 2, 2016

8 years ago the local government started work on a health centre in UsariBod village of Rajnandgaon district in Chattisgarh. A contractor was selected and paid money to start the work. 8 years later all the villagers can see are sludge-filled foundations, probably breeding mosquitoes to add to their woes....

Enforced Disappearance of Ashraf Koka from South Kashmir’s Verinag Town

/ February 1, 2016

On 27 October 2001, Mohammad Ashraf Koka was picked up by ITBP personnel from his residence at around 7:30 pm and subsequently disappeared. The family of Mohammad Ashraf Koka states that he was picked up by personnel of the 10th Battalion Indo-Tibetan Border Police [ITBP], Verinag Camp. The father of...