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Transgender India: Surviving society

/ February 22, 2020

This week in India Loud & Clear we take you in the rainbow world of transgenders.

Impact Story

Celebrations! A tribal Village is Open defection Free now.

/ February 19, 2020

Applauds for our Community Corresspondent Satya Banchor! He acted as a strong catalyst in bringing about this change in the lives of the poor tribals. 

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Internet Blockade Messes with Education in Kashmir

/ October 31, 2019

48, 000 High school students in Kashmir appear for examination amidst complete internet blockage in the region.

What’s in a Name – Identity, Respect and Patriarchy

/ June 12, 2017

The patriarchal politics of names and women's identity. Join the discussion on Twitter @videovolunteers on June 13, 1-2 PM.

Cashless and Landless: Tribal oustees of Narmada worry about their future

/ June 20, 2016

The Sardar Sarovar Dam has displaced over 41,000 families from the banks of Narmada across Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, since 1985. The Sardar Sarovar Punarvasvat Agency (SSPA) was constituted in 1992, for implementing the Resettlement and Rehabilitation for affected families, but little action has been taken to offer the...

Dalit students discriminated in a school from Gujarat

/ May 27, 2016

Discrimination against Dalits is in the educational system is a widespread problem across Indian states. The students are often alienated socially in their classrooms. They are victims of physical abuse by classmates and educators, from primary education to university. A glaring example of this discrimination was captured in Gujarat’s Surendranagar...

VV Impact: Mentally-challenged Rape Survivor Receives Compensation

/ April 27, 2016

A rape survivor, an intellectually-challenged tribal woman from the hinterlands of Maharashtra has received justice thanks to the initiative of Video Volunteers’ Maharashtra correspondent Krupakar Chahande. The survivor recieved a compensation of Rs. 2 lakh under the ‘Manodhairya Yojana’, from the state’s Department of Women and Child Development (WCD). Because...

IMPACT | Handpump repaired in Tati village, Jharkhand

/ January 7, 2016

In April 2015, I made a video on the issue of access to water in Kamdara block’s Tati village which comes under Rampur panchayat. The hand pump had been broken for 6 months. All the sources of water accessible to the community were dirty or not working at all. I...