
Land Rights Wronged!

/ March 7, 2017

Over 60% of India’s population depends on agricultural land to sustain themselves. At an average one hectare of land supports five people. For large parts of this population, especially tribals and scheduled castes, access to this land is problematic; most don’t have proper land tenure or when they do, the...

Impact: Correspondent Stops Corruption at Fair Price Shop

/ January 23, 2015

India is home to 190 million of the world’s hungry. A staggering number by any count. To combat this the government has put into place a number of schemes, most importantly the Public Distribution System. Bogged down by corruption and neglect at every level, the scheme often does not reach...

Forest Rights denied to Indigenous Forest Dwellers

/ March 6, 2017

 “We won’t leave the forest, even if it meant that you kill us.”This is what the people belonging to an indigenous tribal community in Bhadal village of Badwani told outsiders as they entered their forest with axes and spades to whittle Sal trees. The entire village of Bhadal came together...

Bogus electricity bills weigh down residents of Chhirpani

/ February 27, 2017

Electricity was disconnected due to non-payment of bills in this village, in March 2016. Recalling the events of 2015, residents share that a total of 15 families were given connection back then. However, 8 families out of these have been receiving bills since 2008. These bills come in big figures,...

Bad roads obstruct education, but does the Maha govt care?

/ February 24, 2017

“My cycle’s tyre got punctured. And I got a scolding because I was late” complaints Amol Galave, who is only one among many students of Galevawadi in Maharashtra who have to commute through a road in terrible condition to reach their schools. The roads in Galevawadi of Sangola block is...

English school for poor by a Muslim woman

/ February 23, 2017

  “In our society and village, girls aren’t encouraged to study. That is why I started this convent”, shares Raeesa Begum, Founder of National English School in Kalgaon, Maharashtra. This English school opened doors of education to the young girls in the village who had very limited opportunities for education...

Success: A Women’s Self-Help Group Gets Justice

/ July 10, 2014

Self Help Groups (SHGs) are village-based programs usually with agendas of empowerment, development of leadership abilities, anti-poverty agendas, using financial intermediation as a starting point to these goals. In this interview, Community Correspondent Neeru Rathod speaks of how she inspired 11 women in Sonpari village in Gujarat to speak out against...