
SUCCESS: Clean water supply made possible in a Mumbai slum

/ September 10, 2014

Access to safe water is a daily challenge for a majority of Indians. The worst affected communities are often those from lower socio-economic strata. For instance, in places like Mumbai, the worst effects of water crisis are seen in urban slums. Only those who can afford to pay private contractors...

Salahpur residents still crippled without electricity

/ August 28, 2014

The dalit suburban of Salahpur in Pratapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh houses 1000 people. Communities like dalits, gaud & vishwakarma live here. These 1000 people have never witnessed electricity in the leisure of their own homes. 67 years post independence, electricity remains a dream for the people of Salahpur. The...

Keeping the anganwadi alive

/ August 22, 2014

CC Reena Ramteke tells the story of an anganwadi worker who has sacrificed a lot in the past 7 years to keep this anganwadi working. 7 years since inception in ward no 10 of Gariaband district, no building has been built or permanently allocated to this anganwadi. Kamleshwari has been...

A roof over our heads

/ August 12, 2014

Motiram Majhi is a farmer. He practices agriculture on a small piece of land that belongs to someone else. His house is broken; walls falling apart, part of sky visible through the huge gape in the roof. To support his family of five, he has to work as a daily...

Goats ate their lunch!

/ July 29, 2014

The Right to Education Act (RTE) declares that every school must have one teacher per 30 students.  A playground,clean drinking water and sanitation facilities must also be provided.  This is not the case for the school children of Radol village.  They need you phone call to change this today!  ...

Slum demolitions in Mulund cause uproar

/ July 22, 2014

The morning of 20th May 2014 came as a blow to the 600 residents of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Nagar slums.  As the rest Mumbai came to life that day; as lunches got packed, vendors got ready to sell their morning chai and children grudgingly put on their school uniforms, bulldozers and...

Repair the Dead: Cemetery & Sentiments

/ July 21, 2014

We want the customs and cultural heritage of our ancestors to be preserved.  This is the plea from the Muslim community of Delwara village regarding their kabrasthan (cemetery), which is in a bad state of repair.   Call to Action: Appeal to the local village council to help the Muslim...