
Long Walk To School

/ October 11, 2011

In rural Tamil Nadu, children walk six kilometers to get to school.

Say No to Plastic!

/ October 10, 2011

People of Rajasthan openly flout the ban on plastic.

Lone Teacher Runs School

/ October 6, 2011

Only one teacher has been appointed to take responsibility of running a government school in Madhupur, Jharkhand.

Student Elections Turn Violent

/ October 5, 2011

Student election campaigns in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, have increasingly been associated with rioting and hooliganism.

Hobby Classes Empower Women

/ October 3, 2011

Women in Rajasthan help each other help themselves.

Villages Lit Up By Solar Lanterns

/ September 30, 2011

In a village in Cuttack District, Orissa, a village now has access to sustainable light after sundown due to solar technology.

Kohima Buried Under Garbage

/ September 29, 2011

Litter lines the streets of the State Capital.

Polluted Water for Villages

/ September 28, 2011

In Gairsair village, Uttarakhand, a lack of clean drinking water continues to be a problem for villagers.