
Girls Inspired To Study

/ August 22, 2011

In Uttarakhand, girls are traveling far from their villages to pursue further study.

Tyrant Principal Caught on Candid Cam

/ August 19, 2011

Amol, our CC from Mumbai was refused admission in school for non-existent reasons.

Tribal Woman Overcomes Odds

/ August 18, 2011

A tribal woman vendor in Assam overcomes economic difficulty and fights for her rights.

Electricity Brings A Ray of Hope

/ August 17, 2011

Villagers in Dughati, Rajasthan, saw their lives lit up with the coming of electricity in their village.

“How IndiaUnheard Has Changed Me”

/ August 16, 2011

Ajeet Bahadur has been working as a Community Correspondent for one and a half year. He talks about the changes his work has brought to his life and to his community.

Raja Festival: Three Swinging Days For Women

/ August 12, 2011

In the coastal districts of Orissa, women break away from their routine during Raja festival.

No Transport For The Poor

/ August 11, 2011

In Cachar district of Assam, the lack of publicly funded transportation hassles the lives of the poor.

Villagers Yearn For Water

/ August 10, 2011

Villagers in Khursipar, Chhattisgarh, are desperate in the face of acute water scarcity.