
Build me a proper toilet

/ June 24, 2014

Dilip Gameti, explains the appalling work done by government sanitation workers in Godwa village, “These toilets were built using only 200-300 bricks, and the plaster was not applied to them properly.”  Even though their intentions were good, due to corruption the sanitation initiative in this village has failed.  Complaining to...

Stop Corrupt Practices of Anganwadi Incharge

/ June 23, 2014

Imagine a corrupt Anganwadi(health care centre) in-charge who bribes her way to receiving funds from the government without having entered the centre for 3 years!  Residents of Panchlewa village have tried to complain to the Child Development Project Officer (CDOP) about this but no action has been taken.  Chanda Devi...

No Water, What a Shame!

/ June 20, 2014

The Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme aims to provide clean and safe drinking water to each and every family in rural areas.  However, due to corruption and malpractice reality is far from this.  Residents of Gadagada Bahal Panchayat have been waiting for over 2 years for water.  Added to this the Minister of...

Road flooded by Neglect

/ June 20, 2014

The road in Karando village is in disrepair.  When it rains it is treacherous to cross due to the potholes.  There are no bridges constructed to help residents cross the many rivers.  Dasiya Devi a resident explains, “When the rivers and streams are full, no doctors come to this village. ...

Help empower Mahagaon residents to receive Electricity

/ June 18, 2014

Having no electricity in the 21st century is unthinkable to most of us.  However this is the reality for 150 families from Mahagaon village who had been promised electricity for the past 1.5 years.  They are still waiting.  Having complained to the relevant officials the only reply the have received...

10 Years No Ration

/ June 11, 2014

An annoyed resident Suma Devi informs us, “It has been 10 years since I got married but our ration cards have not been made yet.  Everybody excluding us got their ration cards, why are we not getting ours?”   Call to Action: This is the question asked by 25 families...

No Clean Water for 10 years

/ June 10, 2014

Call to Action: Residents of ManiyarChak village are in desperate need for a water hand pump.  Their hand pump stopped working over 10 years ago and the Village Head has not repaired or replaced it since.  They are having to travel up to 1 K.M. to fetch water from the...

No Bribe No Free House

/ June 9, 2014

Want a house that is supposed to be provided for free by the government?  Tough luck.  It’s not free. Give me a bribe.  Else live on the street or in a make shift hut.  An unsafe place that may collapse on you and kill you and your entire family.  Money...