
Clean Up Goa: Community wields Camera for Change

/ March 25, 2014

Most commonly identified as one of India’s top holiday destinations, Goa comes complete with its sun-and-sand picturesque world & susegad life. However, there is another side to Goa, a side that often remains forgotten by a world lulled by the hot sun & potent psychedelia of Goa. Sulochana has been...

Community & Correspondent ensure drinking water for School Kids.

/ March 11, 2014

The Right to Education Act guarantees children in government run or aided schools the access to potable water. However, according to the activist network of Nuapada district of Odisha, the children of the village school of Dotto hadn’t had any access to water in the school for almost a year....

No Financial Benefits For Pregnant Women – Chetan Salve Reports for IndiaUnheard

/ February 9, 2017

Rural pregnant women are motivated to deliver their babies in hospitals rather than in their homes, according to Manav Vikas Mission (Human Development Mission). This program, launched in 2006 is an initiative of Government of Maharashtra to increase Human Development Index (HDI) of backward districts of Maharashtra, India. Under this...

Ordeal of a pregnant woman

/ February 9, 2017

It has been a long, long haul for Ranjana, and she is quieted by exhaustion and apprehension in equal parts. This is the second hospital she has been admitted to that day and both have treated her with superb disdain, making her wait for hours together, refusing to give her...

Free From Fluorosis

/ January 29, 2013

In July 2012 IndiaUnheard published a video from rural Gujarat which documented how people in Kasipara village were suffering from Fluorosis an ailment that could easily be avoided. Says Impact Manager Tania Devaiah "This was one of those videos which moved people to take action." Over 2300 people signed an...

Ordeal of a pregnant woman

/ January 12, 2017

It has been a long, long haul for Ranjana, and she is quieted by exhaustion and apprehension in equal parts. This is the second hospital she has been admitted to that day and both have treated her with superb disdain, making her wait for hours together, refusing to give her...

A Village without ASHA

/ December 29, 2016

Nitu’s infant hasn’t received any vaccinations nor medical check-up since it was born. She does home remedies for her child because medical assistance is unavailable in her village. Sonam, a teenager doesn’t know much about menstrual hygiene. She wants to know about the bodily changes she’s undergoing, but there is no...