
Micro-finance Changes Women’s Lives

/ March 1, 2011

Women in rural Orissa are empowered through micro-finance initiatives.

Saundariya: The Nameless Community

/ February 28, 2011

Meet the Saundariyas of Chhattisgarh – a community that scavenges for gold.

Cremation Customs Pollute Ganges River

/ February 25, 2011

The Ganga in Allahabad is being polluted by the tradition of immersing cremated corpses.

Gurjar Protests Create Havoc

/ February 24, 2011

A marginalised community in Rajasthan demands reservation, inconveniences local villagers.

Walhe’s UntouchedLeprosy Patients

/ February 23, 2011

In 2005, India ‘eliminated’ leprosy. But in rural belt, large number of leprosy cases go unregistered.

Cock-Fights: A Social Evil

/ February 22, 2011

In Orissa, an annual cock-fight festival becomes an excuse for gambling and alcoholism.

The Dying Beat of the Dhol Drum

/ February 21, 2011

‘Dhol’ players are not performing as much anymore in Gairsen because of a preference for recorded music.

Medieval Standards for Tribal Boarding School

/ February 18, 2011

Students in a tribal hostel in Chhattisgarh are living in terrible conditions.