
Onion-Producing Village Cries For Onions

/ January 26, 2011

Despite high onion production in Maharashtra, the price of this commodity is skyrocketing.

Women Gain Political Clout

/ January 25, 2011

Reservation of 50% seats in village councils has generated excitement among women in Himachal Pradesh.

Frustrated Assistant Teachers Paid Late

/ January 24, 2011

Assistant teachers in Chhattisgarh lose motivation due to untimely payment.

Price Rise Leaves Poor Hungry

/ January 21, 2011

Radical price rise of food drastically affects the lives of the poor in Allahabad.

Watch VVs News Show On TV

/ January 20, 2011

Speak Out India is the first ever community news show on Indian TV aired every Saturday at 5.30 pm and on Sunday 11.30 am. The correspondents of the program are from slums and villages, trained by Video Volunteers.

IU CC Helps Young Girls Get Healthcare

/ January 20, 2011

Adolescent girls in Rajasthan benefit from a government scheme because of our Community Correspondent (CC) Sunita’s reporting.

Education – The Great Divide

/ January 19, 2011

Switching language of instruction leads to high drop-out rates in higher secondary school in Goa.

New Homes For Haryana’s Poor

/ January 18, 2011

200 Dalit families of Ludwa – the village of our correspondent Amit Kumar in Haryana – are set to get a new house under Indira Awaas Yojana.