
Paying the price for my husband’s violence

/ July 11, 2014

“I was punched in the face and beaten up…I was beaten on my back with an iron rod,” Mirabai recounts her husband’s violent acts toward her.  The police did nothing to protect her.  The same night her drunken husband murdered the neighbour.  Only then did the police act.  Had they...

Proactive grannies need your Proactive Support

/ July 11, 2014

Robbed of their pensions.  Government negligence.  Old and left with no other option but to work the land.  Shame.  Imagine your grandmother breaking her back in the fields so she can feed herself.  Disgraceful shame.   “In the time of sowing seeds in the farms we work in the Munda...

Not a drop to drink

/ July 9, 2014

No water to drink! Broken wells dry up quickly.  Unsafe toxic water in hand pumps.  The water comes out black or turns yellow when kept in a vessel.  This is what residents from Kailashpur have to face everyday.  You can change this today.   Call to Action:  Pressure the Village...

Displacement- Pretend Promises, Damaged Dreams

/ July 9, 2014

“They said so many things before uprooting us, but did not fulfill their promises.”   This is the case for residents of Turitola village, who were uprooted from their homes in the name of development but not given adequate compensation.   Call to Action:Help them now!   Prakash Chanda, General...

Another case of government neglect in a school

/ July 9, 2014

One teacher in the school, managing, teaching and supervising 250 children.  Midday meals not being served regularly and on the verge of halting altogether.  Sound similar?  Yes.  This is another case of government neglect in Phulpadar village primary school that you need to put to right.  Are you ready?  I...

No Right to Health

/ July 7, 2014

Article 21 of Indian Constitutionstates:Protection Of Life And Personal Liberty: No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to procedure established by law.This has come to include the Right to Health as a fundamental right and thus the Government has a responsibility to fulfill it. ...

Enjoy the unique Mahashivratri festival

/ July 7, 2014

“Thus, you can find different types of diversity in India, while it still remains one democratic country.”   VV-Correspondent Sajid Khan records the unique festival of Mahashivaratri festival from Junagarh district fair, Bhavnagar district, Gujarat.    The Mahashivaratri tradition has been going on for thousands of years.  At this festival...

Laxidhar Sandyal is like your grandfather. You can help him!

/ July 4, 2014

“Now my hands and legs don’t work properly due to arthritis…My daughter and wife have to go to work for a daily wage, so that we can survive.”   This is the reality for 80 year old Laxidhar Sandyal from Rangamatia village who has not been receiving his old age...