
Garbage is a major problem in Goa

/ June 30, 2014

Garbage is a major problem in Goa.  However, school children of Aldona village are making a conscious environmental effort to find recyclable solutions to it.  The Garbage Management Program was introduced by the Lion’s Club Aldona, which uses programs already in place in Canada and Ireland and brings them to...

Abundance in Nature

/ June 27, 2014

“There is peace and tranquility in nature and it cannot be replaced by the riches of mansions.”  VV-Correspondent Basanti Soren reports from Bansbunwa village, Jharkhand.  Bansbunwa meaning bamboo forest is the perfect name for this bamboo haven.  People from nearby villages like Raouta, Lukaiya, Ulhara, Pindra come to pluck bamboo...

Hybrid Seeds Fail

/ June 27, 2014

Hybrid seeds in the local village of Galakhajuri have caused more misery then happiness.  Farmers were led to believe that due to scientific technology the hybrid seeds would produce higher yields of superior quality.  However, to their disappointment the hybrid variety completely failed to provide produce.    VV-Correspondent Argen Karketa...

“If we don’t tie her, she runs away.”

/ June 26, 2014

Father, “If we don’t tie her, she runs away.”This is the sad reality of Parvati Oriya, the disabled girl who is tied up to a post at home day in day out.  The Government of India has failed yet again to provide her with disability benefits or support.   Call...

A whole family may die if the roof collapses

/ June 25, 2014

“Because if kids sleep inside, they may get crushed and die if the roof collapses.  Last time when it rained, a roof collapsed injuring a person on the head.”  This is the current situation in Chatrutand village where 250 residents are living in dilapidated housing.  The Indira Awaas Scheme is...

Social exclusion stands in the way of Indira Awaas Scheme

/ June 25, 2014

Imagine living in a plastic shed because the government scheme you are eligible for is not being given to you.  This is the reality for Gabriel Bodra and his family.  The Indira Awaas (Housing) Scheme is a 1985 Indian government initiated social welfare programme created to provide housing for the...

Build me a proper toilet

/ June 24, 2014

Dilip Gameti, explains the appalling work done by government sanitation workers in Godwa village, “These toilets were built using only 200-300 bricks, and the plaster was not applied to them properly.”  Even though their intentions were good, due to corruption the sanitation initiative in this village has failed.  Complaining to...

Stop Corrupt Practices of Anganwadi Incharge

/ June 23, 2014

Imagine a corrupt Anganwadi(health care centre) in-charge who bribes her way to receiving funds from the government without having entered the centre for 3 years!  Residents of Panchlewa village have tried to complain to the Child Development Project Officer (CDOP) about this but no action has been taken.  Chanda Devi...