
Exorcising The Ghosts of Blind Faith

/ May 23, 2012

The Valmiki Community of Ludhiana is being tricked into superstition.

Untouchability as practised in Churches

/ May 7, 2012

Christian Dalits are not allowed to sing in churches. They are even buried in separate graves are not allowed to move out of their caste even if they convert. This is a clear sign of caste based discrimination as is practised in many parts of India. This so-called “tradition” exists...

Manual Scavengers forced to work without Safety Gear

/ April 26, 2012

Dalits are made to clean the Uyyakondan canal without any safety gears in the city of Trichy in Tamil Nadu. They are forced to clean plastic, acid waste, dead bodies, and human excreta from water, with their bare hands.  Even after passing of the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction...

No social life for a low caste Harijan

/ April 25, 2012

A low caste Harijan belonging to the cobbler caste is being looked down upon as low and undignified by the rest of the residents in the village. No invitations for social events like birthdays, weddings or funerals are extended to him. The barber refuses to cut his hair or give...