
Displacement- Pretend Promises, Damaged Dreams

/ July 9, 2014

“They said so many things before uprooting us, but did not fulfill their promises.”   This is the case for residents of Turitola village, who were uprooted from their homes in the name of development but not given adequate compensation.   Call to Action:Help them now!   Prakash Chanda, General...

Social exclusion stands in the way of Indira Awaas Scheme

/ June 25, 2014

Imagine living in a plastic shed because the government scheme you are eligible for is not being given to you.  This is the reality for Gabriel Bodra and his family.  The Indira Awaas (Housing) Scheme is a 1985 Indian government initiated social welfare programme created to provide housing for the...

No pension, No ration, No one listening.

/ June 20, 2014

Old Age Pension is for people who are over 60 years old and have Below Povery Line (BPL) cards.  They are given 400 rupees every month.  But beneficiaries from Chilga panchayat are not getting this.  For those individuals who are not under the Old Age Pension Plan and cannot take...

Residents Stand up to Corrupt Anganwadi Contractor

/ June 16, 2014

Under the Integrated Child Development Scheme, Anganwadis which are an all-encompassing health care centre were established in 1975. Its goals are vital and comprehensive: to combat child nutrition and hunger, to provide basic health care, and to offer pre-school education. The main beneficiaries are young children, teenage girls, pregnant women...

Old Problem: Old Age Pension

/ May 16, 2014

The Indian Government’s National Pension System is an on going saga of another ineffective government policy. One example is Pramila Devi in Ahimachak village, Katihar district, Bihar who is not receiving her right to old age pension.   VV PACS Community Correspondent Navita Devi interviews the 70 year old pensioner...

Corrupt Village Head declared alive old age pensioner dead

/ May 15, 2014

The Indian Government launched the National Pension System scheme with high hopes but it has failed to deliver as expected.One such case is Pakhandu Yadav from Patel Nagar, Munari village, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh who was denied his pension for not paying a bribe to the Village Head.   The Village Head...

Give us our right to shelter

/ May 13, 2014

200 families in Uttar Pradesh are being forced to live without proper houses. All that stands between them and safe shelter is one ignorant Village Head. VV-PACS Correspondent Shabnam reports on the situation with the hope that you will hold the errant Village Head accountable for his lapses in getting...

MGNREGA Aiding Migration

/ April 11, 2014

As per provisions of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, each registered worker is ensured a minimum 100 days of work in a year and full payment of their wages at the end of the work. The projects include anything from laying a road to digging a well....