
Impact Story

Drainage System Constructed in Bihar’s Village After the Community’s Appeal by Video

/ August 13, 2019

Community Correspondent's video helped in building a drainage system in Bihar’s Nibi village which had stagnant water blocking the roads.

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Unfolding Independence: Is India Really Free?

/ August 22, 2019

While so many have fought hard to give us freedom, is this the kind of freedom people in India always wished for?  

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Girl Living in the Slum, Becomes the Second Topper in Odisha

/ August 20, 2019

It was a tussle between poverty and education, a slum dweller, Subhashree topped second scoring 93% in her exams.

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Bihar Child Trafficking: Victims Rescued at the Risk of Being Trafficked Again

/ July 31, 2019

Trafficking in Bihar is rampant despite the number of schemes and laws to curb the heinous crime.

Impact Story

Health Center Becomes Functional in a Village in Katihar After 20 Years

/ July 26, 2019

Community Correspondent’s video with the help of Medical officers, a Sub health center is now functioning in a village of Katihar, Bihar. 

Bihar Floods: Lakhs of People Left on the Streets Without Food, Water or Toilets

/ July 19, 2019

The recurring floods in Bihar has caused a rise in the level of water in all big and small rivers while the government tries to set up relief camps.  At least 67 people have lost lives in the Bihar flash floods caused by torrential rainfall in the last two weeks...

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Anwesha Clinic: Educating Adolescents About Menstruation and Mental Health

/ July 10, 2019

Anwesha Clinic in West Bengal is an initiative in creating awareness around menstruation, mental health, and hygiene among adolescents.

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Extreme Caste Discrimination Leaves Puri’s Dalits Threatened and Looted

/ July 5, 2019

One of India’s biggest religious hubs, Puri, is also a hub for atrocities against Dalits by upper caste individuals.