
Dalit Elderly: Cheated, Discriminated Against

/ February 19, 2014

More than 3000 elderly citizens from 144 villages in Rohtas District have not received any pension under the Government of India’s Social Security Scheme, which entitles the elderly to a meagre monthly amount to support themselves. Most of these men and women are unable to work anymore or are dependent...

Missing : Old Age Pension

/ February 18, 2014

‘None of the village elderly have ever received old age pension in Mahuadhana area of Dobe panchayat, Tamiya block, Chindwara district in Madhya Pradesh.’ Our community correspondent Raju Parteti from the district documented the issue, taking testimonies from all the elderly in village. As per the elders, they have approached...

Poor Identification Of The ‘Poor’

/ February 17, 2014

About 160 families living in Chotibhesdira village, Katihar district, Bihar have not received their Below Poverty Line cards. VV-PACS Community Correspondent Navita from Katihar, Bihar reports on the condition of this community. “People who have tractors and land, they are getting Below poverty line cards & people who don’t even...

Surviving Domestic Violence

/ February 14, 2014

“The first year of my marriage was happy… For the next eight years, grave acts of violence were committed against me by my husband and in laws”, says Shivba Manohar who has, with her two children, left that hellish nightmare behind. Community Correspondent Shanti Yevtikar brings you her story from...

I Refuse to be Silenced

/ February 14, 2014

The names in this video have been changed to protect identities. A marriage proposal came for her. She met the family, liked them.They liked her. When the boy’s family demanded a dowry, her parents refused. And then started the torment. Community Correspondent Chanda Bharti from Uttar Pradesh reports. She refused...

Release: Video Volunteers partners up with global news platform Oximity

/ February 14, 2014

  We live in a time of 24×7 breaking news cycles, and yet there are millions of interesting, inspiring, infuriating and heart breaking stories that slip-by unnoticed. What we see and hear as ‘news’ is dictated by a myriad number of agendas and policies that we have little control over....

No More Violence, I Want Justice

/ February 13, 2014

When she wouldn’t give her husband a dowry, he married another woman and this family tried to kill her. Sangeeta has finally been able to flee to the safety of her maternal home but the battle has just begun… What about her rights? what about the rights of her daughter?...