
Video Volunteers: Citizen Journalism and Security

/ April 7, 2013

“I was punished for communicating” – Mumia Abu-Jamal A Community Correspondent has to face and overcome many obstacles on the way to produce his/her video and later, to use the video to bring about social change. First, they overcome the fear of the camera, while in front of it and...

UPDATE, 2nd April: PPSS Plans a Hunger Strike

/ April 2, 2013

From 22nd March 2013 onwards, more than 200 women of Govindpur village have been continuing their daily peaceful protest opposing the undemocratic moves of the government and POSCO in the village of Gobindpur in Jagatsinghpur district of Odisha. The leader at PPSS have decided to call a hunger strike on 3rd April 2013...