
Shoddy Plumbing, Dry Taps

/ July 4, 2011

In Sayane Budruk village, Maharashtra, villagers are going thirsty due to poor water infrastructure.

Unhygienic Pickle Factory Endangers Health

/ June 3, 2011

Pickle factory in Mumbai’s slum, is unmonitored by owner and overlooked by health department.

Film Combats Eve-teasing

/ May 30, 2011

A story on how community-based films can take the lead in campaigns for social changes.

No Care For The Vulnerable In Anganwadis

/ May 23, 2011

Anganwadi centers in Maharashtra malfunction due to corruption and casteism.

Mumbai Slums Fight For Water

/ May 13, 2011

Slum dwellers demonstrate to protest the lack of water facilities.

Plastic Industry, Toxic Concerns

/ May 4, 2011

Malegaon’s booming illegal plastic industry causes illness and injury amongst its workers.

Gender Bias In Wages

/ April 27, 2011

Women farm workers in rural India labour hard, but are paid only half of what men are. This video captures the bias in Maharashtra state

Pioneering Scheme For Pregnant Women In Pune

/ April 18, 2011

Pregnancy-related deaths drop with the introduction of a new scheme in Pune.