
Sita and Twenty Widows Appeal for Widow Pension in Bihar

/ February 10, 2017

Makulal, a poor widow of Bihar has not received any widow pension fund under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) since her husband died a decade ago. She would earlier do manual labour for a living, but her failing health has forced her to stop working. She and her young...

Impact: Video Brings Justice to Caste Atrocity Survivors

/ February 20, 2014

As India celebrated its 66th Independence Day, the Dalits of Dandva Baddi Village were under attack from the upper caste people. Community Correspondent Amarjeet had reported the case from Rohtas District, Bihar, in his very first video. The skirmish left 54 injured and one dead. Many lost all their belongings...

Impact: Ration for 250 Families

/ January 29, 2014

Back in 1871, during the British rule in India, the ‘Criminal Tribes Act’ branded the members of the Pardhi community along with around 150 other tribal communities as criminals. These were all tribes that had supported the Indian Mutiny of 1857. This law gave sweeping powers to the police to...

Wages for 20 Workers at last!

/ January 27, 2014

Ramsakhi has fought many social and administrative battles for her community to ensure they get the employments and wages that are rightfully theirs. As the Secretary of a collective of 13 self-help groups in the area, she represents them at the District, State and national levels in the Confederation. Ramsakhi...