
Road flooded by Neglect

/ June 20, 2014

The road in Karando village is in disrepair.  When it rains it is treacherous to cross due to the potholes.  There are no bridges constructed to help residents cross the many rivers.  Dasiya Devi a resident explains, “When the rivers and streams are full, no doctors come to this village. ...

Help empower Mahagaon residents to receive Electricity

/ June 18, 2014

Having no electricity in the 21st century is unthinkable to most of us.  However this is the reality for 150 families from Mahagaon village who had been promised electricity for the past 1.5 years.  They are still waiting.  Having complained to the relevant officials the only reply the have received...

Damned by Sardar Sarovar Dam

/ June 13, 2014

Imagine having your village and land flooded for the construction of a dam.  Imagine no compensation, house or land being provided in return.  Imagine standing up for your rights to only be imprisoned by the authorities.  There is no need to imagine for this is the reality of residents from...

No Clean Water for 10 years

/ June 10, 2014

Call to Action: Residents of ManiyarChak village are in desperate need for a water hand pump.  Their hand pump stopped working over 10 years ago and the Village Head has not repaired or replaced it since.  They are having to travel up to 1 K.M. to fetch water from the...

No land ownership for dalits

/ June 6, 2014

VV-PACS Correspondent Asha Kumari reports from Sagarpur Village, Makhdumpur Block, Jehanabad district, Bihar, “I want these Dalit families to get ownership of the land they reside on, and to get the benefits of various schemes run by the government.”   Call to Action: Please put pressure on the Block District...

INSIGHT into Community Radio in Odisha

/ June 3, 2014

VV Correspondent Abhishek Dash reports from Dalipathna, Nuapada district, Odisha explaining how radio is one of the best mediums for villagers to gain insight into what government schemes are available and what their entitlements are.   Purna Chandra Banchoor a resident informs Abhishek, “There is an organisation called ‘Chalo Chalo’...

Displacement without Compensation

/ June 2, 2014

Daya and Gorari Majhi were abruptly displaced from their home when the Gahira Dam was built, submerging their fertile land and house with it.  Six years later, the Government has still not arranged alternative accommodation for them.  They have tried all avenues they know to get a roof over their...

Sketchy Houses

/ June 2, 2014

The Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY) Scheme is a 1985 Indian government initiated social welfare programme created to provide housing for the rural underprivileged in India. People like Dhaneswari are promised a house under this scheme, however due to corrupt staff members like Mitru her house is left half finished with...