
Mumbai Demands End to Corruption

/ October 28, 2011

Residents of Mankhurd, Mumbai came together to protest kerosene price hikes.

Silent Widows of Manipur

/ October 19, 2011

In Manipur, families of victims of fake encounters wait hopelessly for compensation.

Say No to Plastic!

/ October 10, 2011

People of Rajasthan openly flout the ban on plastic.

Lone Teacher Runs School

/ October 6, 2011

Only one teacher has been appointed to take responsibility of running a government school in Madhupur, Jharkhand.

Lost Houses of Sajwal

/ September 23, 2011

In Sajwal, Maharashtra, people are still waiting for promised housing grants.

Easy Access to Banned Drug

/ September 22, 2011

In Karauli, Rajasthan, Oxytocin is used freely despite its ban by the government.

Locals in Tourist Destination Threatened

/ September 21, 2011

Residents of Doodhpathri, Kashmir face poverty and displacement due to contradictory govt. policies.

Slums Affected By Rampant Corruption

/ September 14, 2011

Corruption in kerosene distribution is widespread in Mumbai slums, cutting down rations considerably.