
Impact – Drainage System Implementd In Gangnapatti Village, Darbhanga, Bihar

/ January 16, 2015

This video was made by a Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Mangnuram. To read more about this story – click here. Community Correspondents come from marginalised communities in India and produce videos on unreported stories. These stories are ’news by those who live it.’ They give the hyperlocal context to global...

What does it take to make the government work?

/ January 16, 2015

January 16; Darbhanga, Bihar Most often, to get the government machinery working, all that is required is a nudge in right direction. For many in India’s poorest communities factors like caste and class stand in the way of approaching officials and getting things done. It was therefore that nobody in...

Natural water source is on the brink of extinction in Domat, Bihar

/ March 7, 2017

Agriculture communities across many villages depend on natural resources to support their farming. The sustenance of these resources is never the priority of the administration. Natural resources may soon be on the brink of extinction.Lachnauta Jumi is a water source situated near Domat village. This water is used for drinking,...

IMPACT: Villagers take back community land from corrupt headman

/ December 19, 2014

A quiet village on the border of India and Nepal, Semri-Dumri is a sleepy hamlet where nothing seems to happen. A paved road blends solemnly into sand a few miles behind the vaguely identifiable border. Motorcycles that pass through can be heard from a distance, along with the stones rattled...

Anganwadi without basic amenities and Water

/ March 2, 2017

“There is a toilet within the Anganwadi, but it is not fit for use.” The neglect faced by Moreng Uraav Ttoli Anganwadi Centre, which is considered as a model Anganwadi (courtyard shelter) centre in Gumli district of Jharkhand doesn’t just end at dysfunctional toilets. This model Anganwadi, which has 35...

Impact: Procuring the Right to Food

/ November 14, 2014

Community Correspondent Arti Bai Valmiki’s report got the administration to improve the quality of Midday Meals for 237 students in the primary school of Batiagarh District of Madhya Pradesh. “We don’t get rotis to eat at home, so we come to school in hope of food,” a student of the...

SUCCESS: Access to water after 30 years

/ September 16, 2014

Ashok Paswan from Bihar joined the Video Volunteers’ team in February 2013. He is a strong young Dalit activist in his area and works extensively on empowering young people from his community.  He is a team member at the BR Ambedkar Student’s Forum. In the following interview he shares how...

Staking a Claim on Forest Rights

/ August 8, 2014

The Forest Rights Act (FRA) along with the Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Actis a cornerstone of Indian grassroots democracy. They give forest dwelling communities and individuals a final say with regards to land use. When it came into power in 2006, forest dwelling communities who had fought hard to...