
Arrested For Saying No to Mining

/ September 8, 2011

In Raigarh, Chattisgarh, the community protests the arrest of two non-violent environmental activists.

RTI Could Curb BPL Corruption

/ September 7, 2011

Man files RTI application in rural Haryana to fight for his BPL rights.

IU Video Pulls Up Corrupt Health Workers

/ September 6, 2011

Sunita, our CC in Rajasthan enables women to get medication they are entitled to.

Koka Bali: Feast of the Gods

/ September 5, 2011

Koka Bali is the Gods’ and the people’s sweet of choice in Kada, Uttar Pradesh.

Education Speaks A Different Language

/ September 2, 2011

Semi-english medium schools in Maharashtra look towards a brighter future for all.

JNNURM gives Hope and Anguish to Slum

/ September 1, 2011

Slum dwellers in Ludhiana are still waiting for the National Urban Mission to deliver.

Dalit Woman Fights for Her People

/ August 31, 2011

An uncommon woman champions her people’s rights and returns land to 120 families.

Poor Punished For Confronting Corruption

/ August 30, 2011

Officials in rural Chattisgarh punish poor villagers by denying them their housing benefits.